Welcome! I’m Rosie Bouton,

I am the Principal Financial Planner at We Plan.


My expertise is in Social Security & Aged Care rules & legislation, developed during my career with the Department of Human Services Centrelink over more than ten years, assisting clients in areas such as:

Financial Information Service

Residential Aged Care

Carer Payment & Allowance

Aged Pension

Disability Support Pension

a photo of Rosie Bouton

I am passionate about helping people.

I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others, and empowering people to make informed financial decisions.  I have a Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning from Griffith University, and am an Accredited Aged Care Professional with Aged Care Steps. I can also help with superannuation, managed investments, income streams, and budgeting and cashflow needs.

We Plan Financial on the web.

Aged Care Guide
Accredited Aged Care Professional

View our latest advertisement published in The Senior Newspaper (October edition),
Have you planned for your future?

Aged Care can be overwhelming.

Call Rosie today to help you navigate the options available.

Call (03) 8526 8961

Monday – Friday

9am – 5pm AEST


This information is of a general nature only and neither represents nor is intended to be specific advice on any particular matter. We strongly suggest that no person should act specifically on the basis of the information contained herein but should seek appropriate professional advice based upon their own personal circumstances. Although we consider the sources for this material reliable, no warranty is given and no liability is accepted for any statement or opinion or for any error or omission. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before investing in any products mentioned in this communication. This information is current as at the date of this document.


We Plan Pty Ltd ATF Roch Lion Hybrid Unit Trust (ABN 31 756 092 774) trading as We Plan is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 001277597) of Matrix Planning Solutions Limited (ABN 45 087 470 200) AFSL No. 238256 (Link to FSG)